Premium Gold 2 contem 91 cartas: 21 Gold Secret Rare Cards & 70 Gold Rare Cards
Cada caixa contem 1 booster de 15 cartas (6 Gold Secret Rare Cards & 9 Gold Rare Cards)
Finishing the job started by the hugely popular Premium Gold set, the new Premium Gold 2 follows through with updates and upgrades to dozens more cards from the golden age of Yu-Gi-Oh! up to the present day!
UPDATED! 22 previous Gold Rare cards from past Gold Series have been revised to our new-and-improved advanced Gold Rare technology. More shine than ever before!UPGRADED! 48 top cards released with Gold Rare technology for the first time. Dozens of cards spanning the years, from all 5 pieces of Exodia to Number 101: Silent Honor ARK!
BRAND NEW! 21 new cards, all in Gold Secret technology, including cards for Blackwing, HERO, and Number Decks!
Gold Rares enshrine Duelists’ favorite cards in immortal Gold color: Gold card frames, Gold art boxes frames, Gold text box frames, Gold card names, and (for monsters) Gold Level/Rank stars. Gold Secrets take all of that and add a Secret Rare Card’s textured foil pattern on top of it!